by Ryan | Oct 13, 2016 | Drake, Drake Rifles, Precision Rifles, Savage Rifles |
Savage Arms and Drake Stealth Rifle, Model BA10 , Model BA110

Savage Arms and Drake Stealth Rifle BA10 | BA110
Savage Arms and Drake Stealth Rifle BA10 | Stealth Rifle BA110
It’s no secret probably would not exist if not for Christopher Drake and Drake Associates. Due to that it goes without saying I watch closely where Drake Associates rifle chassis end up being utilized beyond Drakes own modular rifle line up. Todays Drake Associates update comes by the way of Savage Firearms offering Drake Chassis on the Stealth BA10 and BA110 line of rifles. Shooters familar with Drake Associates definitely will not be surprised by this move. Drake Associates has been offering accurized Savage actions for some time.
Savage Arms is offering four bolt-action, long-range chassis precision modular rifles — two calibers in short-action and two calibers in long-action. The new Model Savage 10/110 BA Stealth is a lighter, more compact offering in the BA line and is available in 308 Win., 6.5 Creedmoor, 300 Win Mag and 338 Lapua. Shipments of these new rifles are currently being delivered to dealers.
Savage teamed with Drake Associates to expand this “BA” line of long-range chassis rifles. The new Model 10/110 BA Stealth features a factory-blueprinted Model 10/110 barreled action mated to a custom version of the Drake Hunter/Stalker monolithic chassis, which has been enhanced to Savage’s specifications. A similar Savage/Drake combination recently took first place for a National Guard Team and 8th place overall at the 2015 U.S. Army International Sniper Competition.
General Features & Benefits
• Factory-blueprinted Savage action
• Monolithic chassis machined from a solid billet of aluminum
• Magpul M-LOK forend and Picatinny rail for easy configuration
• Adjustable AccuTrigger
Specific Features & Benefits for Savage 10 BA Stealth Rifle (short action)
• 5/8×24 threaded muzzle with protector
• EGW one-piece scope rail
• Fab Defense GL-SHOCK six-position, shock-absorbing buttstock with adjustable cheek
Specific Features & Benefits for Savage 110 BA Stealth Rifle (long action)
• 5/8×24 threaded muzzle with brake
• Drake one-piece long scope rail
• Fab Defense GLR-16 six-position buttstock with adjustable cheek riser

BenShot Shot Glass
by Modular Rifle | Jan 19, 2016 | Drake, Modular Driven Technologies, Savage Rifles |
2015 US Army International Sniper Competition

Drake Savage Stalker 308 Long Range Tactical Sniper System at the 2015 US Army International Sniper Competition
Ft Benning, GA, 2015 US Army International Sniper Competition
DRAKE ASSOCIATES and SAVAGE ARMS had the opportunity to provide one of the participating teams at the 2015 US Army International Sniper Competition with a new long range sniper platform – the SAVAGE STALKER 308, Drake MK12 5.56 SASS and related support equipment in cooperation with our industry partners MDT / Modular Driven Technologies, The MAKO Group/ Fab Defense.
During the week of October 19-23, 2015, Sniper Teams from across the world traveled to Fort Benning to compete in the Annual International Sniper Competition. The goal of this competition was to identify the best sniper team from a wide range of agencies and organizations that included the U.S. Military, International Militaries, and Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement.
Many teams were invited to compete in a gauntlet of rigorous physical, mental and endurance events that test the range of sniper skills that include, but are not limited to, long range marksmanship, observation, reconnaissance and reporting abilities, and abilities to move with stealth and concealment. After competing in the events the best teams were selected.
DRAKE ASSOCIATES and SAVAGE ARMS were privileged to be able to supply the SAVAGE STALKER 308 long range tactical sniper system, Drake MK12 5.56 SASS to the US Army National Guard Warrior Training Center Sniper team.
At the 2015 US Army International Sniper Competition awards ceremony at the end of the competition is was announced that the US Army NG WTC, using the Savage Stalker rifle system achieved the following outstanding and significant results:
- Top National Guard Team
- 2nd Place for NON-Special Operations/SOF team- Conventional Units
8th Place Overall Ranking for competition (The majority of the competition was from Special Operations Forces / SOF Units)
SAVAGE STALKER Rifles were very well received in the community! DRAKE ASSOCIATES had previously introduced the SAVAGE STALKER long range tactical rifles to other SOF units in recent deployments and at the USASOC Sniper Competition in March 2015 at Ft Bragg. Once again the SAVAGE STALKER Rifles were noticed and admired by the Special Operations Forces / SOF.
The SAVAGE STALKER long range tactical sniper rifles were proven to be lighter, more ergonomically designed and more accurate than many of the other systems that were used in the competition. This win by the US Army NG WTC was the result of intensive training and was a tribute to their dedication and “old school” work ethic. They competed against the best, most modern and well equipped Spec Ops teams and Won!
This is a big win for the US Army NG WTC, SAVAGE ARMS, DRAKE ASSOCIATES, MDT / Modular Driven Technologies, The MAKO Group/Fab Defense.